Young Girls from the Middle Ages

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Reader Views Kids looks at Medieval Maidens titles

Reader Views was created in late 2005 as a book review company. The Austin, Texas based company later added a Reader Views Kids division where young readers are able to read and review books for their age category. Medieval Maidens has had two of its titles go […]

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Learning Comes to Life Through Books

Tiffany and Felicity, learning together When my daughter, Tiffany, was four years old, we moved into our first house. In our neighborhood were two girls who lived just two doors away. One was exactly Tiffany’s age and the other was two years older. The three girls were […]

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The Story of Medieval Maidens

As I was placing a re-order for Gisela’s Story recently, it occurred to me that Gisela’s Story was first published in 2006. It’s been five years since I started Medieval Maidens and the time has flown by! To celebrate this milestone, I’d like to take you back […]

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The Realm of St. Casimir

On Tuesday, August 3, I was able to visit with students enrolled in the summer camp at St. Casimir School in Baltimore, MD. We talked about life in a castle, what medieval children played with and what school and lessons might have been like. I really liked […]

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Cadette Feast

On Friday evening April 23, Cadette Girl Scouts from Montgomery County participated in the first Medieval Maidens feast. Preparations began with a discussion about women who lived during the medieval period and what their lives might have been like. Specific women, such as Joan of Arc and […]

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The Realm of Heart of Pennsylvania

Girl Scouts of the Heart of Pennsylvania hosted a Medieval Maidens festival on Saturday April 17th. Fifty-one Brownie Girl Scouts earned the Medieval Maidens try-it. Most girls really enjoyed the quill and ink writing where they created illuminated letters. And they almost unanymously decided that they would […]

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Kingdom of Trojanland

What a wonderful visit with the Trojans of Frederick County Middle School in Winchester, VA. I was fortunate enough to meet with the 6th, 7th and 8th grades in an assembly setting and then spent some time with smaller groups in classrooms. Students in Mrs. Wright’s class […]

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The Kingdom of Montgomery Village

On Sunday April 11th, the Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital hosted a Medieval Maidens festival. Approximately 70 scouts and 20 adults attended the event. Girls used quills and ink to create monograms and illuminated letters. They then designed and made appropriate head pieces for the […]

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Beyond Bars

Today I had the pleasure of being the guest at a Girl Scout meeting. This meeting was not your typical Girl Scout event, nor was it a typical Girl Scout troop. The troop meets twice a month at the Maryland Correctional Institute for Women. The program is […]

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